Human Computer Interaction (人機互動)
This course focuses on teaching principles of HCI and its engineering application; it will be explored in three sections including HCI technology, user experience design, and chatbot implementation. Students will develop chatbot based on problems in actual engineering project and learn semantic analysis, dialogue system and the design of intuitive responding. We believe that from the course, students will learn how to best using the chatbot to effectively assist the communication and information delivery among engineering interdisciplinary personnel, and acquire the ability in the coordination and management of engineering experience inheriting and delivering. |
Special Topics of Disaster Prevention (防災特論)
本課程為使學生具有防災之基本知識與正確的觀念,提供同學們從天然災害及人為因素的防災思考角度,瞭解災害的產生原因及應對方式,並培養學生正確與積極的防災減災觀念。本課程內容概分為災害環境變遷、國內外防災組織與策略、都市防災及生活安全等四部分,藉由課程解析、業界專家學者的經驗分享、繪本及桌遊等方式,讓學生了解生活與防災之相關性、重要性及其因應對策。 |
Theory and Practice of Building Information Modeling (BIM理論與實務) [Open Course]
This course focuses on teaching the model-building process. We will use Autodesk Revit, StactUp, InfraWorks, Tekla, Dynamo, and Navisworks to build our BIM models in this course. We will use an example case and guide students to build a 7-story BIM model from the CAD drawings step by step. The students also learn the essential BIM applications one by one in each course, namely clash detection, quantity takeoff, and 4D simulation. |
營建工程概念設計 & 程式設計概論
希望讓學生以「做中學」的方式,認識營建工程設計內涵及應用範疇,以培養學生面對及解決問題的能力。 在課程設計上,將介紹營建工程五大領域(營管、結構、大地、材料、資訊),並整合設計思考概念及計算機基礎知識,讓學生在未具備土木分與設計能力前,透過觀察、討論、反思、實作等方式,進行營建工程創新發想及應用發展,未來可以結合專業領域知識的學習,建構進入職場前的專業能力與面對工程創新之挑戰。 |
藉由營建工程專案實作讓學生了解營建工程設計之基本流程與涵蓋範圍,並引導學生了解營建工程相關領域與本系課程規劃。課程由六位老師共同進行授課,分為六大主題(結構、大地、材料、營管、資訊、水環境)進行專題實作,學生能藉由實作過程中更清楚該領域之理論及應用層面,有助於大一學生對於接下來課程之安排及研究之規劃。本課程成果發表時邀請業師共同講評,讓學生能了解實務工程之面向及需求,思考可以更加全面。 |