- Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "The Application of Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning in Human–Computer Interaction Courses for Construction Engineering Students," Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 150(2), 05023010.
- Tsai, M.H.* and Chan, Y.L. (2023). "Development of government disaster response strategies for multi-disasters – A case study of Taiwan's flood disaster responses during the Covid-19 pandemic," International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 98, 104120.
- Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2023). "Alert notifications for governmental disaster response via instant messaging applications," International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96, 103984.
- 蔡孟涵* (2023),『運用翻轉教學與多元評量之教學成效研究-以BIM課程為例』,教學實踐研究,3(2),1-25。
- Chan, Y.L., Tsai, M.H.* and Chan, H.Y. (2022). "EDM: An ensemble decision method for introducing meteorological forecast uncertainty into the disaster response decision process," International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 72, 102848.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Yang, C.H., Wang, C.H, Yang, I.T and Kang, S.C. (2022). "SEMA: A Site Equipment Management Assistant for Construction Management," KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 26,1144-1162.
- Chen, K.L. and Tsai, M.H.* (2021). "Conversation-Based Information Delivery Method for Facility Management," Sensors, 21(14), 2771.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Yang, C.H., Chen, J.Y. and Kang, S.C. (2021). "Four-Stage Framework for Implementing a Chatbot System in Disaster Emergency Operation Data Management: A Flood Disaster Management Case Study," KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 25(2), 503-515.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chan, H.Y., Chan, Y.L., Shen, H.K., Lin, P.Y. and Hsu, C.W. (2021). "A Chatbot System to Support Mine Safety Procedures during
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- Kung, H.K., Hsieh, C.M., Ho, C.Y., Tsai, Y.C.*, Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H. (2020). "Data-Augmented Hybrid Named Entity Recognition for Disaster Management by Transfer Learning," Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4234.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chan, H.Y. and Liu, L.Y. (2020). "Conversation-Based School Building Inspection Support System," Applied Sciences, 10(11), 3739.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chang, Y.L., Shiau, J.S. and Wang, S.M. (2020). "Exploring the effects of a serious game-based learning package for disaster prevention education: the case of Battle of Flooding Protection," International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 43, 101393.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chan, H.Y., Hsieh, C.M., Ho, C.Y., Kung, H.K., Tsai, Y.C. and Cho, I.C. (2019). "Historical typhoon search engine based on track similarity," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), 4879.
- Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2019). "Question-answering dialogue system for emergency operations," International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 41, 101313.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chen, K.L. and Chang, Y.L. (2019). "Development of a Project-Based Online Course for BIM Learning," Sustainability, 11(20), 5572.
- Tsai, M.H.* (2019). "A Peer Review System for BIM Learning," Sustainability, 11(20), 5747.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chen, J.Y. and Kang, S.C. (2019). "Ask Diana: a keyword-based chatbot system for water-related disaster management," Water, 11(2), 234.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Chen, J.Y. and Kang, S.C. (2019). "T-SEARCH: A CROSS-PLATFORM SEARCHER FOR HISTORICAL TYPHOON EVENTS," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 31(4), 351-360.
- 李正豪、康仕仲*、張家瑞、陳奕竹、蔡孟涵 (2018),『PI-bot:自主式鋪面破損即時檢測機器人』,中國土木水利工程學刊,第三十卷,第一期,1-15。
- Yang, C.H., Tsai, M.H.*, Hung, C.Y. and Kang, S.C. (2018). "UAV path planning method for digital terrain model reconstruction – A debris fan example," Automation in Construction, 93(2018), 214-230.
- Lin, W.Y., Wu, T.H., Tsai, M.H.*, Hsu, W.C., Chou, Y.T. and Kang, S.C. (2018). "Filtering disaster responses using crowdsourcing," Automation in Construction, 91(2018), 182-192.
- Liu, C.W., Wu, T.H., Tsai, M.H.* and Kang, S.C. (2018). "Image-based semantic construction reconstruction," Automation in Construction, 90(2018), 67-78.
- Wen, M.C., Yang, C.H., Tsai, M.H.* and Kang, S.C. (2018). "Teleyes: A telepresence system based on stereoscopic vision and head motion tracking," Automation in Construction, 89(2018), 199-213.
- 蔡孟涵、陳奕竹、康仕仲* (2017),『運用雲端技術傳遞質性防災資料』,中國土木水利工程學刊,第29卷,第4期,227-233。
- 徐偉哲、周侑德、蔡孟涵、李孟學、李奕芬、康仕仲* (2017),『導入民眾外包整合低品質災害通報資料』,中國土木水利工程學刊,第29卷,第1期,17-25。
- Lee, W.L., Tsai, M.H.*, Yang, C.H., Juang, J.R. and Su, J.Y. (2016). "V3DM+: BIM interactive collaboration system for facility management," Visualization in Engineering, 4:5.
- Tsai, M.H., Wen, M.C., Chang, Y.L. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "Game-based education for disaster prevention," AI & Society, 30(4), 463-475.
- Tsai, M.H., Chang, Y.L., Kao, C. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "The effectiveness of a flood protection computer game for disaster education," Visualization in Engineering, 3:9.
- Lin, T.H., Liu, C.H., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "Using Augmented Reality in a Multiscreen Environment for Construction Discussion," Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(6), 04014088.
- 張玉連、蔡孟涵、康仕仲* (2015),『導入「誘發式翻轉教室」成效分析-以水資源及防災教育遊戲學習為例』,災害防救科技與管理學刊,第4卷,第2期,19-58。
- 張向寬、蔡孟涵、宋爾軒、林錫慶、李正國、林永峻、康仕仲*、賴進松 (2015),『淹水預警作業資訊平台之研發應用』,災害防救科技與管理學刊,第4卷,第2期,83-103。
- 楊政玹、溫明璋、吳宗翰、蔡孟涵、康仕仲* (2015),『沖積扇數值地形模型資料蒐集-無人飛行載具之系統設計與實作』,中國土木水利工程學刊,第27卷,第3期,151-158。
- Tsai, M.H., Mom, M. and Hsieh, S.H.* (2014). "Developing critical success factors for the assessment of BIM technology adoption: part I. Methodology and survey," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(7), 845-858.
- Mom, M., Tsai, M.H. and Hsieh, S.H.* (2014). "Developing critical success factors for the assessment of BIM technology adoption: Part II. Analysis and results," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(7), 859-868.
- Lin, K.Y.*, Tsai, M.H., Gatti, U.C., Lin, J., Lee, C.H. and Kang, S.C. (2014). "A user-centered information and communication technology (ICT) tool to improve safety inspections," Automation in Construction, 48, 53-63.
- Lee, C.H., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2014). "A visual tool for accessibility study of pipeline maintenance during design," Visualization in Engineering, 2:6.
- Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Hsieh, S.H. (2014). "Lessons learnt from customization of a BIM tool for a design-build company," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(2), 189-199.
- 蔡孟涵、莊智仁、康仕仲*、賴進松、譚義績 (2014),『天然災害緊急應變演練腳本產生器』,災害防救科技與管理學刊,第3卷,第2期,27-42。
- Liu, P., Chen, A.Y., Huang, Y.N., Han J.Y., Lai, J.S., Kang, S.C.*, Wu, T.H., Wen, M.C. and Tsai, M.H. (2014). "A review of rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developments and applications in civil engineering," Smart Structures and Systems, 13(6), 1065-1094.
- 宋爾軒、蔡孟涵、康仕仲*、賴進松、譚義績 (2014),『防災資訊儀表板開發研究』,災害防救科技與管理學刊,第3卷,第1期,69-94。(獲得:災害防救科技與管理學刊2014年,年度最佳論文獎)
- Tsai, M.H., Matin, Md.A., Kang, S.C.* and Hsieh, S.H. (2014). "Workflow re-engineering of design-build projects using a BIM tool," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(1), 88-102.
- 蔡孟涵、黃詩閔、康仕仲*、賴進松 (2013),『防災決策支援系統』,災害防救科技與管理學刊,第2卷,第2期,21-33。
- Chen, Y.H., Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Liu, C.W. (2013). "SELECTION AND EVALUATION OF COLOR SCHEMEFOR 4D CONSTRUCTION MODELS," Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 18, 1-19.
- Yeh, K.C., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2012). "On-Site Building Information Retrieval by Using Projection-Based Augmented Reality," Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(3), 342-355.
- Kuo, C.H., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2011). "A framework of information visualization for multi-system construction," Automation in Construction, 20(3), 247-262.
- Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Hsieh, S.H. (2010). "A three-stage framework for introducing a 4D tool in large consulting firms," Advanced Engineering Informatics, 24(4), 476-489.