- 葉倩鈴、蔡孟涵*、陳彥甫、陳奕竹、傅翊棋、連杉利、李佳昕 (2024),『發展以問題導向融入防災教學之電子書』,2024臺灣災害管理研討會暨 113年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月六日。
- 吳孟璇、葉倩鈴、詹益淋、陳彥甫、蔡孟涵* (2024),『基於手機操作的水利防災教育數位平台設計與應用』,2024臺灣災害管理研討會暨 113年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月六日。
- 陳家豪、詹皓詠、蔡孟涵*、葉以靈、洪五爵、譚義績 (2024),『民眾與政府協作的社區防災新模式』,2024臺灣災害管理研討會暨 113年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月六日。
- 詹益淋、葉倩鈴、詹皓詠、蔡孟涵* (2024),『智慧應答機器人於颱洪應變幕僚作業中的人機協作』,2024臺灣災害管理研討會暨 113年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月六日。
- Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "View-oriented design for management of information service atop instant messaging," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3.
- Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "On-site damage inspection and documentation atop instant messaging," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3.
- Chan, Y.L. and Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "Development of government disaster response strategies for multi-disasters," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3.
- Li, R.J., Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "No-Code Management for Community-Based Disaster Prevention Mobile Application," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3. (Poster Award)
- Sahoo, J., Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "Enhanced Semantic Segmentation using Advanced Neural Networks for Auto-Annotation of River Landscape Images in Disaster Management," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3.
- Chen, J.H., Wu, M.H., Li, R.J., Hsu, Y.H. and Tsai, M.H.* (2024). "Development of a Mobile Guide System for Enhancing Sustainability of Cultural Assets in Taiwan," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3.
- Liu, M.L., Cheng, Y.J., Chen, J.Y.* and Tsai, M.H. (2024). "Application of Large Language Models in the Preparation of Disaster Response Work Reports," Proceeding of the 19th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. October 1-3.
- Chan, H.Y.* and Tsai, M.H. (2024). "Towards multi-source alert notifications for disaster response via instant messaging," The Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) General Assembly 2024, Taipei, Taiwan. May 1-3.
- 傅翊棋、陳彥甫*、蔡孟涵、吳孟璇、張禎晏、陳奕竹 (2023),『以視覺分析法設計地震防災教育電子書之互動介面設計研究』,第16屆跨域設計產學暨台灣數位媒體設計國際研討會,高雄,臺灣。十二月二十三日。(最佳論文獎)
- 詹皓詠、蔡孟涵* (2023),『多重來源示警之通知與檢核系統設計與實作』,2023臺灣災害管理研討會暨112年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月八日。
- 李仁傑、詹皓詠、陳沛煊、蔡孟涵* (2023),『社區智慧防災對話系統之應用』,2023臺灣災害管理研討會暨112年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月八日。
- 蔡孟涵*、陳彥甫、連杉利、李佳昕、洪五爵、李孟學、游濟華、張禎晏 (2023),『數位防災學習模組』,2023臺灣災害管理研討會暨112年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月八日。
- 張禎晏、蔡孟涵*、陳彥甫、陳奕竹、傅翊棋 (2023),『我國義務教育防災教育電子書開發與應用成果』,2023臺灣災害管理研討會暨112年國家科學及技術委員會自然科學及永續研究發展處防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月八日。
- 李仁傑、蔡孟涵* (2023),『工程漏項比對輔助系統』,2023電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,臺中,臺灣。十一月二十三日。(優秀學生論文獎-特優)
- 陳家豪、謝宜城、李仁傑、陳奕竹、蔡孟涵* (2023),『採用對話式機器人建置生態博物館-以臺北寶藏巖為例』,2023電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,臺中,臺灣。十一月二十三日。
- Ke, K.Y., Tsai, M.H., Tan, Y.C., Lai, M.C., Jhou, G.H. and Chang, T.L. (2023). "Smart Management of Emergency Shelter and Resilient Community," Proceedings of European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. April 24–28.
- Lee, Y.C., Chan, H.Y., Tsai, M.H.*, Chang, C.Y. and Chen, M.D. (2023). "Chatbot tour guide for local disaster resilience information and historic sites," Proceedings of International Disaster and Risk Conference 2023 (World BOSAI Forum), Sendai, Japan. March 10-12.
- Kuo, Y.L., Alfimova, A., Chen, T.M., Tsai, M.H.*, Chen, Y.F. and Chan, H.Y. (2023). "Serious card game for environmental and disaster education in electric power generation and resource exploitation," Proceedings of International Disaster and Risk Conference 2023 (World BOSAI Forum), Sendai, Japan. March 10-12.
- Li, R.J., Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2023). "No-code integrated database and chatbot aiding disaster-resistant communities," Proceedings of International Disaster and Risk Conference 2023 (World BOSAI Forum), Sendai, Japan. March 10-12. (Poster Award)
- Lin, C.A., Chan, Y.L., Tsai, M.H.* and Chan, H.Y. (2023). "Past flooding event search engine for damage investigation and construction effectiveness evaluation," Proceedings of International Disaster and Risk Conference 2023 (World BOSAI Forum), Sendai, Japan. March 10-12.
- 林佩儀、沈恆光、徐景文、詹皓詠、蔡孟涵* (2022),『礦場光明燈:礦場天然災害示警服務系統』,2022年台灣中油公司安全衛生觀摩研討會暨工安週開幕式,苗栗,臺灣。七月四日至五日。
- 詹益淋、陳美迪、詹皓詠、蔡孟涵*、林佩儀、沈恆光、徐景文 (2021),『礦場光明燈:礦場災害示警與保安作業輔助系統』,2021臺灣災害管理研討會暨110年科技部自然科學及永續研究發展司防災科技學門計畫成果發表會,臺北,臺灣。十二月十七日。
- Liu, Y.H., Chang, H.S., Chan, H.Y., Tsai, M.H.* and Teng, F.C. (2021). "Chatbot for slope monitoring data retrieval and visualization," Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. November 02-05. Online.
- 詹益淋、詹皓詠、蔡孟涵* (2020),『高可用性災害管理決策輔助對話系統之應用成果』,2020臺灣災害管理研討會暨109年科技部自然科學及永續研究發展司防災科技學門計畫成果研討會,臺北,臺灣。十二月一日。
- Hsieh, C.M., Ho, C.Y., Kung, H.K., Chan, H.Y., Tsai, M.H.* and Tsai, Y.C. (2020). "Track Similarity-based Typhoon Search Engine for Disaster," Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2020), Kitakyushu, Japan. October 27-29. Online.
- 徐向輝、詹皓詠、余孟霖、陳冠霖、宋政哲、林子翔、紀乃文*、蔡孟涵 (2020),『BIM-based醫院動線管制系統應用於民用建築之研究』,第24屆營建工程與管理學術研討會,臺北,臺灣。八月五日。
- Yu, M.L., Chan, H.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2019). "NLP-BASED METHOD FOR AUTO-CORRECTING PUBLIC CONSTRUCTIONS DATA," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2019), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. November 07-08.
- Chen, K.L. and Tsai, M.H.* (2019). "Conversation-based Building Information Delivery System for Facility Management," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2019), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. November 07-08.
- Wang, C.H., Yang, I.T.* and Tsai, M.H. (2019). "Video-based construction vehicle type recognition," Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2019), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. November 07-08.
- Chan, H.Y., Liu, L.Y. and Tsai, M.H.* (2019). "A Conversation-based System for School Building Inspections," Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2019), Banff, AB, Canada. May 21-24.
- Chen, J.Y., Tsai, M.H.*, Yang, C.H., Chan, H.Y. and Kang, S.C. (2019). "Chatbot System for Data Management: A Case Study of Disaster-related Data," Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2019), Banff, AB, Canada. May 21-24.
- Wang, S.M.*, Shiau, J.S. and Tsai, M.H. (2018). "Using simulation game for disaster prevention education in high school," Proceedings of the 47th North American Association for Environmental Education(NAAEE) Annual Conference, Spokane, Washington, USA. October 10-13.
- Chan, H.Y., Yang, C.H., Tsai, M.H.* and Kang, S.C. (2018). "Knowledge Base for a Disaster Management Dialogue System," Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), Berlin, Germany. July 20-25.
- 陳奕竹、蔡孟涵、詹益淋、邱霈欣、康仕仲*、郭純伶 (2017),『互動式防災對話機器人』,2017臺灣災害管理研討會暨106年科技部自然科學及永續研究發展司防災科技學門計畫成果研討會,臺北,臺灣。十一月三日。
- 楊政玹、蔡孟涵、洪啟耀、康仕仲* (2017),『無人機於沖積扇數值地形模型建置之路徑規劃方法』,2017臺灣災害管理研討會暨106年科技部自然科學及永續研究發展司防災科技學門計畫成果研討會,臺北,臺灣。十一月三日。
- Lee, W.L., Su, J.Y., Juang, J.R. and Tsai, M.H.* (2017). "V3DM+: A Comprehensive and Accessible Computer-Aided BIM-to-FM System," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2017), Taipei, Taiwan. April 19-21.
- Tsai, M.H.*, Yang, C.H., Chen, Y.C. and Kang, S.C. (2017). "Real-time Searcher for Historical Typhoon Events," Proceedings of the Pacic Risk Management Ohana (PRiMO) Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. March 20-23.
- Hsu, W.C., Chou, Y.T., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2016). "Using Crowdsourcing to Process Low-quality Disaster Information," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2016), Hong Kong. December 12-13.
- Chen, Y.C., Tsai, M.H., Wu, T.H., Yang, S.W. and Kang, S.C.* (2016). "Qualitative Disaster Information Delivery Through Cloud Technology," Proceedings of the 15th Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association, Taipei, Taiwan. November 28- December 2.
- 陳奕竹、楊政玹、蔡孟涵、康仕仲*、謝明昌、耿承孝 (2016),『水利緊急應變經驗學習中心2.0』,2016臺灣災害管理研討會,臺北,臺灣。十一月四日。
- 謝明昌、康仕仲、耿承孝、蔡孟涵、陳奕竹、莊世坤 (2016),『運用雨量預報提前掌握可能淹水資訊』,105年天氣分析與預報研討會,臺北,臺灣。十月四日至六日。
- Chang, Y.L., Tsai, M.H.*, Shiau, J.S. and Wang, S.M. (2016). "Disaster Prevention Education Learning Through Scenario Games," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2016), Osaka, Japan. July 6-8.
- Tsai, M.H.* (2016). "Community Disaster Environment Survey," Proceeding of the 12th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, Kyoto, Japan. March 7-8.
- Tsai, M.H., Chang, Y.L. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "NTU Water Game: Game-Based Education for Disaster Prevention," Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan (ASET), Kenting, Taiwan. December 10-12.
- Chang, Y.L., Shiau, J.S., Tsai, M.H.* and Wang, S.M. (2015). "Disaster Prevention Education Learning Through a Scenario Game: The Disaster Prevention Learning Packet for Cooperative Learning," Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan (ASET), Kenting, Taiwan. December 10-12.
- Tseng, Y.C., Wang, J.P., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "Improving System Usability of Online Course Platform: A Case Study," Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan (ASET), Kenting, Taiwan. December 10-12.
- Sung, E.X., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "FloodViz: A Visual-based Decision Support System for flood hazard warning," Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC 2015), Oulu, Finland. June 15-18.
- Tsai, M.H., Sung, E.X. and Kang, S.C.* (2015). "Systematization and Visualization for Flood Decision Support in Taiwan," Proceedings of 2015 International Workshop on Disaster Reduction & Risk Management, Taipei, Taiwan. April 14-16.
- 陳奕竹、黃詩閔、蔡孟涵、康仕仲*、謝明昌 (2014),『水利緊急應變經驗學習中心』,2014臺灣災害管理研討會,臺北,臺灣。十一月二十日。
- Tsai, M.H.* (2014). "Game-Based Education for Disaster Prevention," Proceeding of the X APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, Santiago, Chile. November 18-20.
- 蕭人瑄、張玉連、蔡孟涵、康仕仲*、王順美 (2014),『水遊戲應用於環境教育活動之初探-以嘉義東石高中水資源防災一日營為例』,2014年中華民國環境教育學術暨實務交流國際研討會暨第五屆兩岸四地可持續發展教育論壇,屏東,臺灣。十一月十四至十六日。
- Sung, E.X., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2014). "Rainfall Thresholds and Flood Warnings: A Case Study in New Taipei City," Proceedings of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCBE 2014), Orlando, Florida, USA. June 23-25.
- 蔡孟涵、康仕仲*、賴進松、譚義績 (2014),『防災資料視覺化之應用』,教育部103年校園災害防救實務暨理論研討會,臺北,臺灣。五月二十八日。
- 蔡孟涵、溫明璋、康仕仲*、張玉連 (2013),『創新防災教育學習法:從遊戲中學習』,教育部102年校園災害防救實務暨理論研討會,臺北,臺灣。十二月二十四日。
- 吳宗翰、康仕仲*、蔡孟涵、謝明昌、耿承孝 (2013),『災害防治行動裝置應用程式之使用者介面設計準則』,2013臺灣災害管理研討會暨102年科技部自然處永續學門防災科技研究計畫成果研討會,臺北,臺灣。十一月十五日。
- 楊政玹、劉晉瑋、翁琬晴、傅金城、江申、蔡孟涵、康仕仲* (2013),『策略資料剖析工具─以濁水溪綜合流域治理為例』,2013臺灣災害管理研討會暨102年科技部自然處永續學門防災科技研究計畫成果研討會,臺北,臺灣。十一月十五日。
- Lee, C.H., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2013). "VAO Checker: Accessibility Study for Pipeline Maintenance," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2013), London, UK. October 30-31.
- Wen, M.C., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2013). "Flood Game: An Alternative Approach for Disaster Education," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2013), London, UK. October 30-31.
- Sung, E.X., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2013). "An Interactive Data Visualization System for Flood Response in Taiwan," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2013), London, UK. October 30-31.
- Huang, S.H., Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.*, and Lai, J.S. (2013). "Development an Information Supported System for Disaster Mitigation," Proceeding of the 9th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, Taipei, Taiwan. October 28-29.
- Wen, M.C., Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Chang, Y.L. (2013). "Experience disaster mitigation methodology through game playing," Proceeding of the 9th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, Taipei, Taiwan. October 28-29.
- Sung, E.X., Wei, S.C., Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.*, Lai, J.S. and Tan, Y.C. (2013). "Interactive System for Decision-Making for Giving Flood Warnings," Proceeding of the 9th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, Taipei, Taiwan. October 28-29.
- 宋爾軒、蔡孟涵、康仕仲*、賴進松 (2013),『防災決策資訊視覺化介面之研究-以水災應變為例』,2013 電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,臺北,臺灣。九月五日到六日。
- Lin Chen, S., Tsai, M.H., Chang, Y.L. and Kang, S.C.* (2013). "Game-Initiated Learning: A Case Study For Disaster Education Research In Taiwan," Proceedings of AAAI 2013 Spring Symposium Series: Designing Triggers for Behavior Change, Stanford, California, USA. March 25-27.
- Lin Chen, S., Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Lai, J.S. (2012). "Prototyping Interactive Games for Water and Disaster Education," Proceedings of the Conference for Disaster Management in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. November 16.
- 蔡孟涵、康仕仲* (2012),『防災資訊視覺化呈現』,第一屆海峽兩岸自然災害應變管理研討會,武漢,中國。十一月六日到八日。
- Kang, S.C., Tsai, M.H., Fang, S.T., Chuang, S.K. and Lai, J.S.* (2012). "Generator of Drill Script for Compound Natural Disasters," Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia, Sendai-Bandai-Kamikochi-Kyoto-Matsue, Japan. October 3-9.
- Lin, J.C., Hung, W.H., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2012). "Motion Planning for Mobile Construction Machine," Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management (CEM 2012), Taichung, Taiwan. July 6.
- Lee, C.H., Tsai, M.H., Lin, K.Y.* and Kang, S.C. (2012). "iSafe: An Innovative iPad System for Construction Site Safety Audits," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2012), Moscow, Russia. June 27-29.
- Lin, J.C., Hung, W.H., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2012). "A Real-time Constructability Evaluation System for Onsite Collaborative Decision Making," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Moscow, Russia. June 27-29.
- Tsai, M.C., Tsai, M.H., Guo, R.C and Hsieh, S.H.* (2011). "A Case Study on the Use of BIM Model for Pre-Construction Design Review," Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Hyogo, Japan. December 14-16.
- Mom, M., Tsai, M.H. and Hsieh, S.H.* (2011). "On Decision-making and Technology-implementing factors for BIM adoption," Proceedings of the11th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2011), Weimar, Germany. November 3-4.
- Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Hsieh, S.H. (2011). "Lessons Learnt from Customization of a BIM Tool through University-Industry Collaboration," Proceedings of Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. September 1-2.
- Lin, K.Y.*, Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C. (2011). "The Development of an Innovative Tool Kit to Support Construction Field Inspections," Proceedings of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB 099), Washington, D.C., USA. August 24-26.
- Yeh, K.C., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2010). "A Projective Mobile Device for Presenting Location-based Building Information in a Construction Site," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2010), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. November 4-5.
- Yeh, K.C., Tsai, M.H. and Kang, S.C.* (2010). "BIM-AR: A Projective Mobile Device," Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management (CEM 2010), Taipei, Taiwan. July 2.
- Tsai, M.H., Wu, C.H., Matin, Md.A., Fan, S.L., Kang, S.C.* and Hsieh, S.H. (2010). "Experiences Using Building Information Modeling for a Construction Project," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2010), Nottingham, UK. June 30- July 2.
- Kuo, C.H., Tsai, M.H., Kang, S.C.* and Hsieh, S.H. (2009). "Construction Dashboard: An Exploratory Information Visualization Tool for Multi-System Construction," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2009), Sydney, Australia. November 5-6.
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